You can go to St. Antonius Hospital for all specialisms. Nationally we are known for our three recognized expertise centers: the Heart Center, Cancer Center and Lung Center.
An average of ten heart surgeries take place every day at St. Antonius Hospital, which takes approximately 4 to 5 hours.

At the end of 2017, the first new heart lungmachine was already placed in a test and test setup in the Sint Antonius Hospital. When we installed that first machine, St. Antonius Hospital was the very first hospital with this innovative machine. In total, St. Antonius has purchased nine of these advanced machines, all of which are now operational. The perfusionists provide the quantum clinical training for people from all over the world on the Medtronic and Spectrum Medical’s Quantum Perfusion System
Currently we perform about 2000 open heart surgery procedures with use of CardioPulmonary Bypass (CPB) per year.
On January 8, 1959, the heart lungmachine was used for the first time at St. Antonius Hospital, then located in Utrecht
We are responsible for all extracorporeal circulation procedures and the technical support in (postcardiotomy) ExtraCorporeal Life Support (ECLS) in the Antonius Hospital.
The perfusionists also participate in scientific research and provide various types of training for the Heartbeat academy
For contact and information:
Peter van den Barselaar
T: +31 88 320 21 46
Visiting address:
Sint Antonius Hospital
Koekoekslaan 1
3435 CM Nieuwegein