Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) is a common technique by which the circulation of blood (ExtraCorporeale Circulation, ECC) by the heart and the functions of the lungs are replaced temporarily by passing the blood through an extracorporeal device that both oxygenates and returns the blood to the arterial system of the patient. We perform these techniques on children and adults.

An artificial heart takes over the blood circulation outside the body

An artificial lung, also known as an oxygenator, supplies the blood with oxygen.
Thanks to a heart lung machine it is possible to safely operate a number of life threatening heart conditions.
To connect a patient to an Heart Lung Machine (HLM), the patient must receive a blood thinning agent. This is to prevent the blood from coagulation as soon as it comes out of the body
During an operation the heart can be stopped so that the surgeon can operate properly on a stationary heart. After the necessary intervention, the heart is started again.
Clinical Perfusionists are highly trained professionals who are besides responsible for extracorporeal circulation during surgical interventions also are responsible for various oncological interventions and all kinds of training in the field of perfusion. For more information clic here…
The aim of Heartbeat is to provide optimal service in various fields and aspects of Perfusion. Research supports this service via refinement of current perfusion techniques and the development and implementation of various new techniques. Perfusionists of the Heartbeat Research Group are committed to both developing new techniques and innovative products for patient care. For more information clic here..